
To actually run mpb-box, you need to install on local machine mpd and redis. Then follow one of the follow.


Follow instructions from Music Player Daemon official documentation.


It is highly recommanded to install MPD using a local configuration (per user) to avoid forbidden access to music’s file. Instruction can be found on arch linux wiki (works great on every distribution).

You can use mpc to verify your installation

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ mpc status
volume: 90%   repeat: off   random: on    single: off   consume: off

MPD should automatically start on start. If you installed it using a local configuration, make sure you did configure your .profile to launch it on login.

MPD-Box does not manage your music yet. You need to configure a path in MPD and save some files in it. We recommand to create then a symbolic link to your medias and access a USB stick.


Follow instructions from Redis Quick Start documentation.



You can use pip to install mpd-box.

pip install mpb-box


MPD-Box is available as a python module defined in on root folder. Use git to clone code from github repository.

git clone

Then install it in your python environment.

cd mpd-box
python install

Feel free to read Python documentation about Installing Python Modules to learn more about

You should now be able to run mpd-box using command line.

mpd-box start


You system might require mpd-box to run as root to access hardware (like NFC reader). To do so, just run mpd-box using sudo.

Next section is about how to configure and run mpd-box.

Zeroconf (optional)

It might be usefull installing Ahari-daemon to activate zeroconf and have an easy access from other devices.

This will use local hostname as a domain name on your local network. If your device is named MPD-Box (recommanded) then you will be able to access it using MPD-Box.local as a domain name.

Installation procedure depend on your operating system.